The testament of the ONE is a forgotten Gospel that was banned [and dismayed] by what would become of mainstream Christianity and all religions. Aside from the Bible and Gnostics Gospel, Quran and many more which were firmly secured, most parts of it's stories were excluded from every sources of materials kept and rejected which was considered a heresy from the Holy Bible, Gnostics Gospel and others, but still a piece of the last testament reveals the secret of wonders. The testament of the one reviews the laws of TRUE HEAVEN which is called BARBELO as a fullness of PLEROMA.
In this book called THE TESTAMENT OF THE ONE reveals the creation of existence in accordance to the true essence of reality, light and life. It was the first to be revealed as the one true gospel even before the time of YAHUSHA whom the people of the world has come to rename within their desires and taste. The beginning before the end and the end after the beginning.

       The universe is at a dying peak, longing for returning of the one whom the generations would have forgotten and nonetheless remember when all prophecies are fulfilled, lest they know what they truly are.

² He came to him in a place of his illusions, where he neither created for himself a paradise called home, a place full of light nor darkness, he rest upon his shoulders to that which is called the comforter.

³ The unbegotten heavenly father of YAHUSHA whom the children of the aeons came from (of) the divine light of pure consciousness seek the aid of THE ONE whom the aeons know not of (his) name but lest fear of his supremacy.

⁴ A loud voice cried out to the ears of the one like a trance of which the logos and the virgin spirit revealed thyself in the manifestation of divine incorruptible light of holiness.

⁵ They came to him and said; Oh son of the living father of the preexistent one, unbegotten son of righteousness of whom the first logos was made spiritual that would become flesh of the latter days. Thy thoughts are conceived with the burden of the universe for what is to come is of the ignorance of the aeon without her partner.

⁶ When he heard those sayings, he was nonchalant of their words, for it had mean nothing to him which brought the presence of the HEAVENLY Father.

⁷ The unbegotten heavenly father came in his glorious light that shone.

⁸ And he was unmoved by the presence of the holy one which marvelled the aeons in great distress.

⁹ The AEONS were marvelled as to what they had witnessed, that the inconceivable light of the unbegotten heavenly father was brought to scorn by the one.

¹⁰ AND when he became aware of his deeds in denial of the perfect light of the indescribable father of holiness, he came down to his kneels to shame the thoughts of the aeons in respect to the heavenly father.

¹¹ And he said; I and the father are one.

¹² When he said those words, it moved the presence of the heavenly father in great joy and in his mercy he founded redemption. For those words came into being as it had mixed with the virgin spirit.

¹³ And from that moment onward these three bear record in the incorruptible realm of perfection, the father, the word (known as the one), and the virgin spirit.

¹⁴ They are the first and last, the beginning and the end, these three are one over all.

¹⁵ He looked upon the virgin spirit and called it RUACH HAQODESH / HAKODESH (Virgin Spirit/Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost).

¹⁶ And the virgin spirit decided with the father to instill in his heart to be called MASHIACH (Messiah).

¹⁷ For he was the first and the last. The preexistent one with the unbegotten heavenly father.

¹⁸ Then one of the aeons said within themselves; Who is like unto him.

¹⁹ Then came the hour of judgement for he was accompanied by seven other aeons at his disposal to battle against the coming darkness of which chaos would be born of.

²⁰ They descended in a flash of light to the depths of the abyss conceived of darkness and of evil thoughts.

²¹ And the darkness hath born out of it's ignorance a material world which fuelled it's enamour hatred.

²² The darkness became enormous as it covered the surface of the depth, blocking out the light.

¹ The world was void in the abyss of the illusory material world engulfed with light and darkness.

² And the darkness mixed with the light, for it became neither light nor dark, but it became dim.
³ They came to a place of unholiness, corrupt and dismay of thoughts, that which was trying to bring something into being.

⁴ It lack the light of perfection and so can it not generate the illusory world into manifestation.

⁵ And Patrinity said. What would become of God's word and the creation.

⁶ Then THE ONE answered and said; Woe is anyone who thinks or had such intentions or imaginations that the heavenly father would bring life into existence.

⁷ The will of the father is that all should have eternal life in the spirit and not of the physical.

⁸ Then Manaxol asked; Would the heavenly father allow all of these to happen, seeing that he is aware of what the consequences would become of, If he has the power to put it to an end, why not do so.

⁹ AND THE ONE answered and said. We are of the heavenly father and neither is more powerful than the other, we are of equals and truly I say unto you. We are all HEAVENLY FATHER.

¹⁰ When he said those words, the aeons were amazed for he had uttered blasphemy against the heavenly realm and the virgin spirit.

¹¹ He noticed their ignorance and saw within them, the disbelief of the truth of knowledge.

¹² They looked at him in a disgusting way as they call upon the heavenly father within themselves.

¹³ when he noticed this, he laughed at them openly.

¹⁴ When they also noticed him laughing at them, Patrinity said; Why are you laughing at us, what have we done? But you [...] are the son of the unbegotten heavenly father and yet you mock him and thy holy virgin spirit.

¹⁵ THE ONE said to them, how do [you] know me? Truly [I] say to you, no aeons of this generation of the heavenly host and bodies among you will know me.

¹⁶ When they heard this, [they] started to get angry and furious and started to curse him openly.

¹⁷ And when he heard all of their curses uttered against him, he wasn't moved by their words [nor] neither were there any hatred found in him.

¹⁸ AND the one [said] to them, why are you letting your anger trouble you for I uttered the truth of life, has your GOD within you and [his stars] become angry with your RAUCH HAQODESH? If any of you is [strong enough] among the aeons to bring out their perfect RAUCH HAQODESH, stand up and face me.

¹⁹ They all said they were strong enough, but their RAUCH HAQODESH wasn't brave enough to present themselves before [him] - except for Patrinity. She was able to stand before him, but she couldn't look him in the eye, so she looked away.

²⁰ Patrinity [said] to him, In all of my services to the HEAVENLY FATHER, I have never seen any in all the AEONS who are as brave as you are. Enlighten us that we may know our fate and what will become of us.

²¹ Then the one, knowing how desperate they were said to them. Truly the kingdom of thy father's father will remain but that which you seek is not part of the glory of your RAUCH HAQODESH.

²² Barbelo and all of creation will pass away but not one jot of my word will be rendered useless, for all is to come according to thy will be done.

²³ But when he said these things, they were all marvelled and eager to know more.

²⁴ THE ONE said, a time will come when the darkness would mixed with the light a second time to produce the abominable. That which will be produced out of wisdoms' ignorance during the one thousand years of celebration from above.

²⁵ For it will be the beginning of a new era, even for Barbelo and the HEAVENLY bodies. And for a new creation to be put in motion, that which many of you would fall into the abyss and forget who you truly are.

²⁶ Then Gaccadol asked? How then can we remember whom we truly were in our days.

²⁷ AND THE ONE said; Knowing thyself is most important, it is the [key] of becoming self aware, but mind thee that when you come to the full knowledge of the truth, you will be disturbed greatly and atterly [poisoned by the mindset] of many.

²⁸ Many false RAUCH HAQODESH will come in various names to present to you physical form, many will come with enticing words of deceit that are very intriguing. But in all, do not be moved even when your physical forms are entitled to their words.

²⁹ Every word I say to you shall be recorded, the four hundred years of slavery from the bloodline of the chosen generation shall know pain.

³⁰ The illusory world will be made manifest, but be strong, [for] even the kingdoms of HEAVEN will be utterly destroyed.

³¹ THEN THE ONE answered Manaxol question to his satisfaction saying; Anyone who allows evil and good to come into being, when they have the powers to thwart it and does not is essentially evil himself. A loving God would prevent light and darkness from becoming one. 

³² Because their RAUCH HAQODESH is not strong enough or entitled to any willpower, none can stop it except they come together.

³³ Then Samnal asked, Can you not save us all? From this coming threat.

³⁴ The one said; It is not my will to engage in your affairs, for [even] my fate has been sealed from the very moment I came into being.

³⁵ But keep in mind that when all is completed, only then will it resurface again.

³⁶ For out of thy mouth has thy Lord taken the commandments and laws. But do not be troubled but in everything hold strong to thy RAUCH HAQODESH.

³⁷ After his sayings, they all stared at him inasmuch that they were troubled and wanted to ask more questions.

³⁸ And he noticed their gesture and saw within them to answer that which they could not ask.

³⁹ Then he answered and said; The material world would be created twice, first by the [...] Of aeons and the other would be created by the ignorant defect child of wisdom.

Some text are missing in verse three and are noted as [...] Due to the heavy damage of the manuscript, various parts of verse three would not be giving in full details of what the verse is trying to describe.

¹ And when they came to the full knowledge of his teachings, they were dumbfounded and could barely utter a word. 

² Then THE ONE spoke; Everything is utterly laid out so that the unbegotten heavenly father, whom you do not know of his name... [...] Is said to be nameless; But surely I tell you, none of the immortals are nameless or any place that is above the knowledge and creation of the father and the virgin spirit.

³ For everything under the heavens that are within Barbelo has a name, for thou shall not be deceived by the words of false MASHIACH.

⁴ And the glory of the one which is not of me would come down in two folds that all may see and witness his glory.

⁵ Then Patrinity said, Who would be the MASHIACH aside from you?

⁶ THE THE ONE answered; Twain he shall be [...] To whom sent him and the other shall come in his name [...] As the holy one and rock of eternity, but do not despair, for when the end shall come all will be reveal; even up to the very moment of the Aeons...

⁷ Line seven are missing...

⁸ To [whom] all the glory be unto for eternity. Even that of the great eternal Angels.

⁹ For everyone and everything shall give account of their testimonies, from the lest to the greatest of whom are all equal to.

¹⁰ Then Katnasval said; would the unbegotten HEAVENLY Father give account of his actions? And to whom shall all our testimonies be rendered to?

¹¹ AND THE ONE said, Great is your name, [...] For thou have asked the unanswerable and question the unquestionable... [...] For that which you seek, ye shall find. And when you find, ye shall know the truth and it shall set you free indeed. 

¹² For verily I say unto you, we will give accounts to one another as we submit ourselves to one another, but in ignorance and iniquity, for when we confess to ourselves shall we be the judge of another.

¹³ Line thirteen are missing...

¹⁴ Line fourteen are missing...

¹⁵ When all is done, the glory of [the latter] shall be fully [...] Concentrated, borne of the word of GOD and not of God nor gods.

¹⁶ Ye are of GOD including your God whom ye serve and every other gods.

¹⁷ He informed them about the recreation of the ten heavens and the war in the third heaven, and after his prophecies and teachings; A great luminous cloud came above THE ONE as the seven Aeons looked upon him be clothed in glory far beyond anything they have seen, his identity was indescribable inasmuch as the glory and power he possessed.

¹⁸ And when they saw him ascending into the spiritual realm and place where no eyes, nor the angels and immortals have seen, he transcended above all. To the place where no immortal will ever attain.

¹⁹ And when they came to know of his supremacy, the Aeons and the virgin spirit came together in the assembly of the unbegotten heavenly father to testify of that which they witnessed.

²⁰ And when HE [...] Heard of the saying which proceedeth out of thy mouth, he called forth the name SABAOTH which came into being, for it was not so until the time of reckoning.


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