The world we live in works in different ways, but in other to understand the world we live in, we must first understand the universe that gave birth to this World.

It has come to my knowledge and understanding that not even the so called scientist knows how the world works neither do they understand the fabric of reality itself, time and matter does really play an important role in the cosmos.

How does the world works? How did it came to be? Are there other worlds like ours? Is time travel real? Can humans manipulate the fabric of our reality? Or are there extraterrestrial lives out there? All these questions need answers to our problem, we humans are insatiable and ever wanting to know more about our universe. But here’s a quick question can we really go beyond our universe to see exactly what it looks like? How far are we to the edge of existence itself? Well the truth is, there are non which could give us a clue of how the universe work, cause the universe abides by cosmic rules and those rules are what makes the universe stable.


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