
Showing posts from June, 2010

Bimeathest (The secret of wonders)

BIMEATHEST  Prologue Universe, multiverse, maniverse, nulliverse, cosmos, reality, time and space. This world is truly a remarkable one. Some would say that it is a simulation, that the universe can't implode because it's not even real. Our beliefs differ, be they right or wrong, and humans aren't even what they imagined themselves to be. Our intellect varies, our imaginations keep us wondering each possibility that there is in existence: our religion, our culture, values, languages and hopes. I think that the universe was created by a life force rather than a deity. An entity similar to our universe; one component of a larger entity known as the multiverse. Everything under consideration. In all this universe of possibilities, there is only one feasible option. And it kept me wondering, does this world exist? Where did we even come from? Were we created by a higher power, or are we just a figment of imaginations, pure thoughts derived from the Cosmos into exist