
Gnostic Cosmology

In Gnostic cosmology, the concept of a structured angelic hierarchy is different from that in traditional Christian angelology. Gnosticism focuses more on Aeons and Archons rather than a traditional angelic hierarchy. The beings in Gnostic cosmology are often tied to the Pleroma (the divine fullness) or the Demiurge (a lesser god who created the material world). Here’s a simplified breakdown of important spiritual entities in Gnosticism, though they don’t exactly follow a strict hierarchical order like in traditional Christianity: 1. Aeons (Emanations from the Monad)    - Aeons are divine emanations that exist in pairs, also known as Syzygies. They reside in the Pleroma and represent various aspects of the divine mind.    - Some important Aeons include:      - Barbelo: Often considered the first emanation or thought of the Monad, representing divine forethought.      - Sophia: Represents wisdom and plays a crucial role in many Gnostic myths.      - Bythos: Often seen as the first princ


1. Belphegor 2. Apollyon/Abaddon 3. Samyaza 4. Akibeel 5. Urakabarameel 6. Ramuel 7. Danel  8. Azkeel  9. Tamiel 10. Saraknyal 11. Armers 12. Batraal 13. Anane 14. Yomyael 15. Zavebe 16. Asael 17. Samsaveel 18. Arazyal 19. Turel 20. Ertael 21. Setaouël 22. Shamshiel  23. Agrebakk  24. Sahriel  25. Azriel  26. Michael  27. Uriel  28. Sabbataios (also known as understanding possessed a flaming fire face) 29. Adoil mixed with Epinoia (They're powerful lights not angels or demons) 30. RUACH HA'QODESH (AKA Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost) 31. Yaldabaoth (God of the material realm, Christian & islam god and father of Sabaoth_ Yaldabaoth has many names that he's been worshipped as: Jehovah, jealous, samael, the blind idiot god, allah etc.) 32. Sabaoth (son of Yaldabaoth and grandson of Sophia) 33. Pistis Sophia (AKA Queen Wisdom and Yaldabaoth mother) 34. Yahusha (AKA Jesus) 35. Pleroma (perfect fullness of God) 36. Asherah (AKA Queen of Heaven) 37. Telmael  38.Telmachael  39. Eli Eli

Lyrecius Pytronx: R16 Cool drawings


Lyrecius Pytronx: Teenage Lisa Simpson

Teenage Lisa Simpson from the Simpsons drawn and colored with FlipaClip. The artist name is imprinted on her as a tattoo.  We all love this Simpson show, Yes! So what's your favorite Character?


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The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


The world we live in works in different ways, but in other to understand the world we live in, we must first understand the universe that gave birth to this World. It has come to my knowledge and understanding that not even the so called scientist knows how the world works neither do they understand the fabric of reality itself, time and matter does really play an important role in the cosmos. How does the world works? How did it came to be? Are there other worlds like ours? Is time travel real? Can humans manipulate the fabric of our reality? Or are there extraterrestrial lives out there? All these questions need answers to our problem, we humans are insatiable and ever wanting to know more about our universe. But here’s a quick question can we really go beyond our universe to see exactly what it looks like? How far are we to the edge of existence itself? Well the truth is, there are non which could give us a clue of how the universe work, cause the universe abides by cosmic rules and